
Advance your career with confidence

More than your average

résumé writing service

Realise your ambition today

Welcome to OneAmbition - providing sophisticated, in-depth career accelerators for business professionals. We help you navigate your career path by offering personalised guidance and leveraging our extensive business acumen and marketplace expertise. Our range of services includes:

  • Mentoring on effective job search strategies
  • Creating tailored resumes and CVs
  • Optimising LinkedIn profiles
  • Providing expert coaching on competency-based interviews.

With our help, you can gain a competitive edge and stand out in today's highly competitive job market.

At OneAmbition, we are committed to providing you with the knowledge, tools and support you need to achieve your career aspirations. With our expert guidance, you can accelerate your professional growth and advance your career with confidence.

Work with the Expert

Expertise in executive search, business and marketing

Paula O'Connell is a seasoned professional with a wealth of expertise in executive search, business and marketing. With years of experience reviewing resumes and conducting job interviews, she has helped countless candidates secure their dream jobs.

Paula made a mark in the recruitment industry by pioneering interim marketing solutions for Morgan & Banks, Australia's leading recruitment firm in the 1990s. She then established her own search firm based in Amsterdam, providing top-notch global talent to some of the most reputable European organisations.

For the past seven years, Paula has focused on providing sophisticated career solutions to individuals who want to take their careers to new heights. Drawing on her marketing expertise, recruitment skills and business acumen, Paula has developed a unique approach to positioning her clients in today's competitive job market.

As a client of Paula's, you can expect personalised attention and tailored guidance to help you achieve your career aspirations. Paula works closely with her clients to develop effective communication tools and strategies that make them stand out from their competition. With Paula on your side, you can be confident that you're receiving the best guidance and support to advance your career with confidence.

Let's get to know each other

Book a time in my diary for a virtual coffee meeting and no-obilgation chat about your career.

Satisfied Clients

Young Woman Chatacter - Person Flat Design Icon

I am so grateful to Paula for her ​exceptional support in updating ​and uplifting my CV. The ​turnaround and quality of the ​outcome was exceptional.

Thanks Paula for your expertise ​and advice and for making the ​process seamless and enjoyable.

  • VP Customer Experience
Young Woman Chatacter - Person Flat Design Icon

I think you provide an ​exceptional service. The cover ​letter is just what I need for my ​new journey. My resume is ​professional and highlights my ​experiences succinctly - one ​skill I should develop!

  • Marketing Manager
Business Woman

Paula’s incredible insight, coupled with her experience and professionalism, makes her work exceptional. I highly recommend working with Paula.

  • Strategy Consultant
Man Male Avatar Suit Person Icon

Paula helped me reframe how I saw my own experience and career, which not only allowed me to present myself more professionally but gave me increased confidence in my own abilities, which in turn shone through in the interviews I subsequently attended.

  • General Counsel
Man Avatar

Paula's amazing! Her suggestions to my CV and LinkedIn started converting new opportunities immediately. Her counsel on growing my business was gold. She pushed me further than I thought I could go and always instantly had spot-on advice I would never have thought of.

  • Communications Director
Businesswoman Wearing a Suit

Paula really took the time to get to know me and my career history. She made me feel comfortable and even more confident to know that I can go out and try and find the best job for my next chapter.

  • Career Change
Avatar Icon Woman Person Design

Paula is a great coach with a wealth of top-league international expertise. A great listener, inspiring, very involved. She is very generous with her time & has great insights to help others grow.

  • Branding Strategist
Businessman Profile Colorful Avatar Isolated Flat Design.

I was stuck in the same job for a long time. Paula repositioned my expertise with a new CV and LinkedIn profile, took me through interview training once I started getting job interviews and supported me through the salary negotiations.

  • Insurance Underwriter
Business Executive Woman

Paula broadened my thinking, and I now feel absolutely confident in finding my next job with the amazing resume and LinkedIn profile that she has put together for me. I highly recommend Paula's services.

  • Global Marketing Director
Avatar Business Man

Paula was very good at identifying and making great recommendations to get me more professionally competitive in the market. I love Paula's attitude, accountability and commitment she showed throughout my session with her.

Highly recommended.

  • HR Business Partner
Businessman Icon

Paula’s experienced and professional approach maximised the impact of my resume. She found positive aspects of my career that I’d forgotten about.

  • Property Manager
Young Woman Avatar Block and Flat Style

I’ve very much enjoyed the ​conversations with Paula to ​sharpen and professionalize my ​CV and LinkedIn profile. Paula is ​fast in follow-up. Her approach is ​structured and easy to apply. It ​has given me good focus on my ​strengths and I feel confident to ​go after my dream job!

  • Global Head of Packaging
Business Man Flat Style Icon

Paula was great to work with. She was totally professional in her approach, understood what I was trying to achieve and delivered on my expectations. I am extremely happy with the end results on my new Resume and LinkedIn profile.

  • Chief Financial Officer
Male Cartoon Avatar

Paula gave me much more than a new CV and LinkedIn profile. The real reward was in the process itself.

I came out stronger with a clear vision, belief and determination.

Forever thankful.

  • Retail Category Director
Casual Young Man

Paula brought my professional background and my personality into a two-page CV. Brilliant!

  • Finance Director

I'd recommend Paula to anyone who might benefit from her search/recruitment experience in multiple sectors and geographies, and her warm but frank and open style. Paula is one of those people who connects people and ideas - a great sounding board.

  • Chief People Officer
Woman Female Girl Head Person Icon

Paula took the time to understand my strengths and helped me articulate the elements I'm looking for in my next career move.

  • Public Sector Director
Woman Icon

Paula has a genuine interest in helping people move forward and supports talents by sharpening their positioning in the international career market. Paula's approach is based on integrity, is to the point and her services are reasonably priced. Certainly worthwhile the investment.

  • Business Entrepreneur
Faceless Woman Silhouette

Paula has a unique talent for distilling the essence of the individual job candidate onto the page. She is very professional, caring and invested in the CV writing process.

  • Portfolio Career
Executive Businessman Profile Isolated Icon

Investing in your CV and LinkedIn profile is most worthy, and Paula makes it a rewarding experience.

I have been left enthusiastic and optimistic and self-assured that I got this!

  • Senior HR Professional
Woman with Curly Hair

Paula rescued me at a time in my career when I was most vulnerable. I feel much more confident about myself going forward with my new resume and LinkedIn profile.

  • Marketing Manager
Man Male Avatar Suit Person Icon

As a person with a lot of professional experience, my resume was large and tired. I was challenged to reduce the length and make it punchy, relevant and exciting. This is exactly what Paula did. I secured many interviews and a role not long after.

  • Country Manager
Business people Design Person Icon

I approached Paula to get a CV that would not get lost in the crowd, and the result was truly outstanding!

  • Procurement Specialist

Get in Touch

+61 456 263 334


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